Why Choose Us?

What Makes us Different?
We recognise that our services need to be tailored specifically to our client’s individual circumstances and aspirations. So, whether you’re looking for Sole Trader bookkeeping services or you’re a Limited Company looking for a business tax accountant – we have a solution for your accounting needs.
Other Companies
- Strict and inflexible engagement ‘rules’
Requests for face-to-face meetings – you decide how you communicate with us
- Constant requests for paper versions of bank statements and other documents
- Poor communication, delays in responses and a lack of options for questions and discussions
- Requests for manual and/or unnecessary signatures and paperwork
- Tax and Accounting advisors who are unfamiliar with Marketing & Legal services and how it impacts your business
- Advisors who will not offer above and beyond advice in areas that might be beneficial to you
- Tax Advisors who are not interested or able to reduce your tax liabilities and who will not provide clear instructions on how to fully utilise the exemptions and credits available to you
Cloud 9
We’re here when you need us, not when we say you do – we respect your time and make sure every moment counts
Bid Adieu to lost papers! We operate a paperless filing system here at Cloud 9. You read that correctly – we are paperless and provide fully cloud based accounting. Stress free and streamlined is how we roll
- We use the technology available to us to make your life easier and are proud to offer fully cloud based accounting – face to face meetings are not a requirement here to access the accounting & financial services your business needs
You will be given access to your own exclusive Whatsapp group where you can chat with our experts at your leisure
- We’re here to answer your questions and inquiries from Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM. No appointments or queueing necessary
- We utilise smart technologies (digital signatures anyone?!) where possible to keep things simple
- Our team are a multi-talented bunch and should you need it, we can provide you with marketing, consultancy & legal services as well, in order to support your wider growth ambitions
- As standard, we provide monthly investment advice mailers along with information and highlights on grant support that may be available to you
- Our team includes highly qualified tax advisors who are committed to minimising your tax liabilities before filing any returns