

Join Cloud9Club

For Businesses & Employed

For UK & Worldwide  


 The Package Includes:


– 1*) Unique Content available exclusively to our subscribers  – this content will include:  information and advice on current tax, business, employment matters and  ideas (at least 3 new high valuable tax articles per month will be published by our financial accounts and financial accountant team and posted only into this group + business and employment ideas/advises posted every so often – all this is to help you if you need financial accounting support now)

– 2*) Opportunity to get New Clients – we will introduce you monthly to 3 of our network connections, a screenshot confirming introduction will be sent by email , we are a dedicated and hardworking team and will take tasks very seriously

– 3*) Chance  to have a  Cash Flow Forecast done for your business – each month we will randomly choose one subscriber and will prepare Cash Flow forecast for their business financial accounting free of charge, we will let you know once this scheme will be running

– 4*) Accounting & Bookkeeping advises – we will try to answer on any accounting and bookkeeping related question, if you are usually preparing your financial accountant bookkeeping and accounting yourself and you are not quite sure with something, do not hesitate to contact us

– 5*) Place to Ask any Tax, Business and Employment related Question – this can be sent straight to group timeline or as a private message, we guarantee one question to be answered once per month to the same subscriber – sent to us by private message, however we will aim to answer all questions asked

– 6*) Possibility to Chat with like-minded Members

All for £4.00/month now (unsubscribing available anytime)! Soon the price will go up. If you sign up now you will not pay more for the rest of the subscription time.

Grab your chance now to have your financial accountant and business adviser for discounted price!


Join here  like minded community members creating something special together: Cloud 9 Club

This is “one-month rolling subscription”. It means that it doesn’t have a specific end date. So, it’ll ‘roll on’ unless you tell us you want it to stop. It’s really easy to cancel and all we need is one day notice. To cancel it you will simply cancel payment, it would be nice also if you can let us know by sending message to us.

We reserve the right to change price of this product in the future. When we change the price we reserve the right to cancel existing subscriptions (if needed from our site) and request subscription renewal.

After subscribing you will have opportunity to join our  private LinkedIn or Facebook group (according to your preferences) where you will be provided with above mentioned content. Also you will be able to ask questions through platform messaging system  there or to email us directly. We will be emailing you directly proof of clients introduction every month.

Tax articles will be orientated to UK tax and backed up with UK tax experts provides advice on current tax. We will try to answer other countries advice on current tax questions as
well though. In the meantime other worldwide members will be still able to
benefit from the rest of valuable content and service.

Get in touch with us:

Find us on Facebook:

financial accounting

financial accounting

advice on current tax

advice on current tax